I am currently working as a Senior Scientist II at Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) Singapore.
My research interests span high-performance computing, focusing on deploying applications on heterogeneous hardware,
agent-based simulation, and intelligent transportation. I am one of the core architects and developers of a microscopic
agent-based mobility simulator – CityMoS. I have been involved in and led a number of research projects, collaborating
with research entities and industrial partners in Singapore, Germany, Austria, and China.
2007 - 2011 B.Eng. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
2011 - 2013 M.Sc. Technical University of Munich (TUM), Munich, Germany (Sehr gut bestanden/ Passed with distinction)
2016 - 2022 Ph.D Technical University of Munich (TUM), Munich, Germany
Dissertation: A Framework to Generate High-Performance Time Stepped Agent-based Simulations on Heterogeneous Hardware.
(Co-supervised by Prof. Alois Knoll from Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany and Prof. Wentong Cai from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore)
2023 - present Scientist -> Senior Scientist A-STAR, Singapore
2020 - 2023 Research Fellow TUMCREATE, Singapore
2016 - 2020 Research Associate TUMCREATE, Singapore
2014 - 2016 Software Developer TUMCREATE, Singapore
TUMCREATE broke new ground in the field of electric vehicle research and development. Over 120 scientists, researchers and engineers and more than 12 Chair Professors conducted pioneering research in ten different fields. These included new battery materials and storage, innovative EV designs, low-energy air-conditioning, transportation system optimisation, and energy storage.
30 Invention Disclosures were made during Phase 1 and the team won the eCarTec Award for Innovation, Germany and the Land Transport Excellence Award, Singapore.
TUMCREATE Phase 2 aimed to see the evolution of the urban bus system to a more convenient, connected and efficient public transport system. With Singapore as the study ground, TUMCREATE introduced the concept of a Dynamic Autonomous Road Transit (DART) system that consists of a fleet of mixed-size modular electric, autonomous road-based vehicles, with high level secure communication between vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-intelligent infrastructure, to realize an efficient, attractive and comfortable mobility service.
The ultimate goal was to see the current bus system into a fully-connected, new shared-mobility system encompassing flexible-and fixed-route services, along with low to high passenger capacity services, intelligent passenger information services and providing good connectivity to the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system.
Collaborating with Future lab at ARS Electronica (Linz, Austria) to develop a unique research and demonstrator platform for urban mobility - which merges the interdisciplinary scientific expertise of TUMCREATE with the available technology for virtual reality.
A*STAR’s Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) and TUMCREATE Ltd (TUMCREATE) are working together on a research project that supports Singapore’s planning for the transition to electric vehicles (EVs) nationwide. The Singapore Integrated Transport Energy Model (SITEM) will be used to conduct a comprehensive analysis of projected electric vehicle (EV) charging patterns and energy demand, which will support policymaking on Singapore’s budget 2040 vision for all vehicles to run on cleaner energy and contribute towards Singapore’s decarbonisation commitments. The research project is commissioned by the Science and Technology Policy and Plans Office (S&TPPO), Prime Minister’s Office, and aims to advance the nation’s capabilities in integrated modelling and simulation of transport and power systems.
A full list is here
[1] Jiajian Xiao, Philipp Andelfinger, Wentong Cai, David Eckhoff, and Alois C. Knoll. 2021. OptCL: A Middleware to Optimise Performance for High Performance Domain-Specific Languages on Heterogeneous Platforms. In Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing - 21st International Conference, ICA3PP 2021, Virtual Event, December 3-5, 2021, Proceedings, Part III (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Springer, 772–791. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-95391-1_48
[2] Jiajian Xiao, Philipp Andelfinger, Wentong Cai, Paul Richmond, Alois C. Knoll, and David Eckhoff. 2019. Advancing Automatic Code Generation for Agent-Based Simulations on Heterogeneous Hardware. In Euro-Par 2019: Parallel Processing Workshops - Euro-Par 2019 International Workshops, Göttingen, Germany, August 26-30, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), Springer, 308–319. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-48340-1_24
[3] Jiajian Xiao, Philipp Andelfinger, Wentong Cai, Paul Richmond, Alois C. Knoll, and David Eckhoff. 2020. OpenABLext: An automatic code generation framework for agent-based simulations on CPU-GPU-FPGA heterogeneous platforms. Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp. 32, 21 (2020). DOI:https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.5807
[4] Jiajian Xiao, Philipp Andelfinger, David Eckhoff, Wentong Cai, and Alois C. Knoll. 2019. A Survey on Agent-based Simulation Using Hardware Accelerators. ACM Comput. Surv. 51, 6 (2019), 131:1-131:35. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3291048
[5] Jiajian Xiao, Görkem Kilinç, Philipp Andelfinger, David Eckhoff, Wentong Cai, and Alois C. Knoll. 2020. Pedal to the Bare Metal: Road Traffic Simulation on FPGAs Using High-Level Synthesis. In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation, SIGSIM-PADS 2020, Miami, FL, USA, June 15-17, 2020, ACM, 117–121. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3384441.3395979
[6] Jiajian Xiao, Philipp Andelfinger, David Eckhoff, Wentong Cai, and Alois C. Knoll. 2018. Exploring Execution Schemes for Agent-Based Traffic Simulation on Heterogeneous Hardware. In 22nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, DS-RT 2018, Madrid, Spain, October 15-17, 2018, IEEE Computer Society, 243–252. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1109/DISTRA.2018.8601016
Year | Award | Awarding Entity |
2018 | Best Paper Award | IEEE/ACM DS-RT 2018 |
2022 | FireFly Silver Borderless Award | Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI), Singapore |